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The New Generation team presented a report on the topic "Deinstitutionalization of social protection services - presentation of the results of the Day Center for Children and the Blue Telephone"

Representatives of our association presented a report on the topic "Deinstitutionalization of social protection services - presentation of results Day care center for children and the advisory line for children "Blue telephone" as part of the round table "Peer violence - prevention" held on the occasion of the celebration on the International Day against peer violence in the premises of the Directorate for Police Education in the Training Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska.

During the event, experts in the field of child protection and education had the opportunity to exchange opinions and views on a topic that occupies an important place in the work of our association.

The director of our association, Saša Risojević stated: "Also, this was a good opportunity to present the work of social services provided by our association, and to point out the importance of their existence when it comes to the prevention of violence." In addition, he adds: "I am glad that our association has been recognized as a partner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska, with whom we have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of child protection in the digital environment, and I believe that in the coming period we will further expand our cooperation with the relevant institutions and organizations".

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