Association "Nova generacija" is a non-partisan, non-governmental, non-profit and humanitarian association of social workers and other professionals in the field of social activities.
New Generation –
about us.

The association was founded in 2004, and the founders of the association were students of Social Work who, after completing their studies, founded the Association of Citizens "New Generation" with the aim of continuing professional training and improving social and child protection.
We are proud that today the association "New Generation" accredited provider of social protection services, which provides daily services and protection for over 150 families from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our team consists of over 10 full-time professional workers, as well as a number of external collaborators who are dedicated to safeguarding the best interests of children.
It's behind us 100 implemented projects, 200 education and training aimed at improving the quality of the services we provided for over 5000 of children who have used our services so far.
Our Vision
Every child has the right to a happy childhood, a family and a home provided by parents and society. Every person has the right to a life worthy of Man!
Our Mission
New Generation is an association of professionals whose activities are aimed at promoting and protecting human rights, primarily the rights of children, and implementing programs for the protection of vulnerable categories. Our activities are aimed at building a society that will be responsible towards all its members, especially children, through information, education and the active involvement of all segments of society in the processes of change.
Our Goals
- Prevent and protect children, young people and families from all forms of violence and abuse
- Preservation of mental and physical health of children, young people and families
- Development and improvement of social and child protection systems, services and programs
- Education and informing the population about human rights and children's rights
Meet our team.
”Although we are all different, our common feature is that we have a child living inside us who dreams of changing the world for the better. ”
A healthy and dedicated team of experts is the basis for providing high-quality social services and achieving long-term results and changes in children and families. Every day we invest energy to develop our team and we are proud that our team consists of experts who have been working with us for over 10 years.

Saša Risojević
He came to our association as a volunteer in 2012 and realized that working with and for children is something he wants to dedicate his career to. In the meantime, he is completing his psychology studies and training as a psychotherapist, and is working on all the programs and services we provide.
Since 2019, he has held the position of director and enjoys using his practical knowledge and experience in the process of creating programs for children and families with whom we contribute to the quality of the social protection system.
He believes that togetherness, mutual support and understanding are the basis for healing the numerous wounds that children and society as a whole carry.

Boris Makaric
He has been a member of the association's team since 2008. He worked as an educator and coordinator of the reception station for children and youth in vagrancy and begging, then in the positions of coordinator of the safe house for children and young victims of human trafficking and social worker in the Day Center for Children. He is a social worker with a degree and a practitioner of transactional analysis. He is a member of the management board of the association.
Since 2019, he has been in the position of secretary and coordinator for monitoring and developing services implemented by the association.
Teamwork, support, understanding and humor are the values on which his work is based.

Aleksandra Mitrić
The financial manager in the association plays a key role in the management of finances and contributes to the mission of the organization through expertise and dedication.
Since 2019, when she started working in the association as a graduate student in economics, she has shown an exceptional ability to work with numbers and tables, which is essential for monitoring and analyzing financial flows. Her love for work and ability to contribute to the improvement of life, safety and rights of children and people through financial reports and budgets, makes her a very important part of the team. Her passion for economics and finance is reflected in the precision and detail of her work, which directly affects the efficiency and success of the association in achieving its goals.

Vanja Sovilj
In parallel with the beginning of basic studies in psychology, at the end of 2015 she started volunteering at the Day Center, and in order to explore the fields of work in psychology, she stayed in the first field, working with children and young people. In the meantime, he is finishing his studies in psychology as well as training in psychotherapy.
She was engaged in the Reception Center for children found homeless and begging, and since 2019 she is in the role of Psychologist at the Day Center, of which she is also the coordinator. Commitment to organization and details benefits through work organization but also direct work with children and young people.
The work is guided by the belief that every child needs an adult who believes in him and bases his work on trust, understanding and support.

Tatjana Risojevic
She started her work in the association through volunteer activities, where she gained valuable experience in working with children.
Since 2012, she has been employed as a teacher in the Day Care Center. Then, from 2020, he also performs the duties of coordinator of the "Older Brother, Older Sister" project. She participated in the implementation of several programs at the Day Center, such as the Family Support Program, the Program for the Development of Socio-Emotional Competencies in Children, and the HEART Program.
She graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in social work, and is currently an educator at systemic family psychotherapy, where she earned the title of family counselor.
Its work is based on empathy and the desire to ensure safe growth and development for every child, and is guided by the slogan "every child without exception".

Maja Kovačević
Wanting to gain practical experience and contribute to creating a safer place for children, they joined the Association as a volunteer in 2016, and four years later became part of the team. Through his engagement, he deals with psychological counseling of children and families.
He is a psychologist by profession, and is also a practitioner of transactional analysis.
In her work, it is important to provide support and understanding to every child who applies for psychological help, and that he knows that he is not alone and that there is someone who wants to listen to him and help him. He believes that every child deserves to be heard and to have a space where he can tell what is important to him.

Bobana Popović
In order to gain experience and help children and young people, in 2019 he got to know our association through volunteer engagements and recognized his affinities in work.
Soon after that, he became a member of the association's team, where he contributed by providing psychological help and support to children and young people through counseling sessions and advocating for their rights.
When working with children and young people, it is important for her to create a safe space for every problem and feeling in a non-judgmental and nurturing way. He believes that the key factors in working with them are support, understanding, compassion and patience, as well as professional development.
By profession, he is a licensed psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist under supervision.

Snjezana Ivanovic
She joined the association in 2015, with the desire to provide support and help to the most sensitive category of our society, children, as a volunteer.
From a volunteer, through a coordinator, and now to a psychotherapist for children, he is still there to work together with children to strengthen their capacities and improve the quality of their lives.
He believes that every child deserves a space where they can express their thoughts and feelings, and especially someone who will really hear them, be there for them, accept them unconditionally and believe in their potential and change. We all need someone who believes we can.

Slavica Tutnjević
She joined the new generation in March 2023, in order to participate in the creation and operation of our psychological counseling center.
She graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka, received her master's degree from Columbia University in New York, and received her doctorate from the University of Banja Luka, where she is permanently employed as a professor of developmental psychology. Of course, she is still studying, so she is now in her final year of integrative psychotherapy for children and adolescents, as a supervised psychotherapist.
Through her work at the Counseling Center, she learned a lot about children, about adults, about herself, and especially about the importance of team support. She enjoys children's stories, honest feelings, play, song, dance and other ways to heal the soul.

Sofia Krehovski
As a psychology student and someone who is interested in working with children, he started volunteering in the association in 2019.
From 2020, he becomes an implementer of activities in the Day Center as well as a field worker in the Roma community. She went through several educations for working with children and is currently attending training in psychotherapy. Her work is characterized by patience, empathy and team spirit.
In working with children and young people, he tries to provide them with the necessary support and strengthen their faith in their own abilities. She believes that support, understanding and a safe environment are important for children's development.

Tatjana Makrić
As a student of social work, she joined the association through a volunteer engagement in 2021.
At the university, she studied subjects related to working with children and families with great interest. The very beginning of volunteer work in the association presented her with confirmation that her vocation is to work in a group of children, a group that represents an inexhaustible source of creativity, sincerity, and vital energy.
Teamwork is one of the key factors of her work, and empathy is an indispensable value.
Strives for professional and personal improvement.
From a perspective, he wants to gain practical experience, knowledge about work, life and man, a man who was first of all a child.
He believes that the will of the individual with the continuous support of the environment and cooperation with professionals guarantees the desired results/changes.

Milana Stupar
Timu Nove generacije pridruzuje se krajem 2023. godine.
Po zanimanju je diplomirani profesor specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacije. Tokom 2023. godine završila je edukacije za Tomatis praktičara nivo 1 i Marte Meo praktičara, što joj je omogućilo da dodatno unaprijedi svoj pristup u radu sa djecom. U svom radu teži stvaranju sigurnog i podsticajnog okruženja, osnaživanju potencijala djece i pružanju podrške njihovim porodicama.
Posvećena profesionalnom razvoju vjerujući da su znanje, empatija i timska saradnja ključni za pružanje kvalitetne podrške djeci i njihovim porodicama. Veruje da je rad sa djecom prilika za obostrano učenje.

Mirjana Galić
Kao neko ko vodi aktivnosti prikupljanja sredstava u Novoj generaciji, svakodnevno radim na izgradnji održivih partnerstava i podršci programima koji doprinose dobrobiti djece, mladih i porodica. Moje profesionalno iskustvo uključuje vođenje projekata usmjerenih na razvoj zajednice i unapređenje organizacijskog upravljanja, čime sam stekla duboko razumijevanje potreba lokalnog konteksta i koliko su partnerstva i dugoročna rješenja ključna za stvarne promjene.
Pored toga, kao praktičar transakcione analize, vjerujem u moć kvalitetnih međuljudskih odnosa, kako u svakodnevnom radu, tako i u širem društvenom kontekstu.
Inspiraciju pronalazim u stvaranju autentičnih veza i zajedničkom radu na promjenama koje ostavljaju pozitivan trag za buduće generacije.

Ana Risović
Naš Upravni odbor.

Boris Bajić

Siniša Vukelić

Član Upravnog odbora