The program for the development of socio-emotional competences in children has been implemented since 2020 in the Day Center for children at risk as well as in the Roma community in Banja Luka. The creation of the Program for the Development of Children's Socio-Emotional Competences represents a contribution to the improved protection, position and rights of children, especially those groups of children who, due to their unfavorable socio-economic and family status, grow up in unfavorable and disincentive conditions.
Development program socio-emotional competences in children

Why the development of socio-emotional competences?
Social and emotional competences are developed during growing up, through social interaction - relationships with other people, primarily with parents and other close people. Children at risk most often experience negative interaction and often experience rejection (from parents and other important people in the environment), which is why they show aggression and hostility towards others, have difficulties in self-acceptance, less pronounced self-esteem and prosocial behavior. That is why it is of crucial importance that Day Centers implement programs for the development of social and emotional competences of children who, due to unfavorable growing up conditions, were most often deprived of this.
The objectives of the application of the program are:
- developing and strengthening competences for encouraging children's socio-emotional learning and building positive peer relationships while respecting and promoting diversity;
- understanding and appreciating the importance of the developmental context and its impact on children's learning and development;
- understanding how important it is to ensure and enable the full participation of children during their upbringing;
- developing and strengthening competences for partnership with parents and other actors in the community for joint strengthening of children's social-emotional learning, development of social competences related to the promotion of positive values, respect and cooperation.
The program is implemented through workshops in the Day Center and the Roma community 4 times a month. Over 100 children are included in the program.
With parents, the program is implemented through individual work with family members and family meetings. 40 parents are involved in the program.