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The Children's Advice Line "Blue Phone" was discussed.

On 05.03.2024. year, a meeting was held in the premises of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Srpska, where representatives of our association talked with Mr. Alen Šeranić and his colleagues about the work Advice lines for children "Blue phone".

They discussed the possibilities for establishing cooperation and institutional support for the work of the Blue Telephone, which enables children and young people to receive anonymous and free quality psychological help and support through this service, and could also be a partner in improving the psychosocial protection of citizens.

The interlocutors were also reminded of the cooperation that was established during the period of the corona virus pandemic, when with the help of this line and in cooperation with the Society of Psychologists of the Republic of Srpska, psychological support was provided to all citizens who needed it.

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