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Safety of our children is our common responsibility.

Nova generacija is an association made up of a team of professionals who have dedicated their careers to protecting and improving the rights of children and young people.

Your support helps children have access to quality services and programs.

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Od praznog papira do ispisane budućnosti: Danijelova priča

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Oglas za posao – Finansijski asistent

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Društvena odgovornost na djelu – m:tel prvi ambasador Štita nove generacije

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Štit nove generacije – Platforma za zaštitu djece u Bosni i Hercegovini

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Srednja škola unutrašnjih poslova u posjeti socijalnim uslugama za djecu.

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“DM” i Nova generacija – projekat koji suzbija menstrualno siromaštvo

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About us - New Generation Association

Association "Nova generacija" is a non-partisan, non-governmental, non-profit and humanitarian association of social workers and other professionals in the field of social activities.

We are proud that today the "New Generation" Association accredited provider of social protection services, which provides daily services and protection for over 150 families from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our team consists of over 10 full-time professional workers, as well as a number of external collaborators who are dedicated to safeguarding the best interests of children.

Find out more
Children who receive daily support
Professional workers
Social protection services
Realized projects

Our social protection services - New generation

We are proud of the fact that we are accredited providers of social protection services for children and families, which provide protection and improve the quality of life every day.

New Generation Shield

Become part of the New Generation Shield, the platform which gathers Child protectors, humane citizens and socially responsible companies from around the world.

New Generation Shield 

New Generation Shield 

New Generation Shield 

New Generation Shield 

New Generation Shield 

New Generation Shield 

Our ambassadors and friends

We believe that together we can do more

Schedule a meeting with our team and learn more about the possibilities of cooperation and partnership with us.

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