Children's Council of the Day Center Banja Luka was founded in 2021 and has existed and operated since then. The children's council was formed with the aim of children taking part in all decisions that concern them directly in the Day Center, but also to raise the awareness of their friends and peers through their activities about how important it is for children to participate in topics that concern them.
Children's Advice - children's participation program
Members of the children's council can be all users of the Day Center over the age of 13, who wish to do so. Accordingly, the Council generally has around 20 active members at any given time. The activities of the Children's Council are conceived in such a way that at the regular meetings of the Council, a work plan and program is created, which includes direct workshop work with the younger members of the Day Center, so that their opinions and needs are taken into account, as well as work on designing smaller local campaigns on different topics.
The Children's Council has a clear structure, the Council has a President, Secretary and Recorder who are elected every 6 months by the vote of all council members. All members undergo education in the domain of assertive and business communication and learn basic advocacy skills. So far, the Children's Council has successfully implemented four local campaigns.
The campaign "Children (we) are the decoration of the world" aimed to inform children and adults about what children's participation is, and what are the basic steps of its observance. The campaign "Every child deserves a healthy meal" had the goal of presenting the basic concepts of healthy eating to their peers, as well as a few simple recipes, so that they could see that healthy eating is not complicated. The campaign "Friendship has no borders" had as its goal that the child users of the Day Care Center bring all their friends to a social gathering and a table tennis tournament with prizes provided. And the "Picnic with children from the Day Center" campaign, which aimed to bridge the gap that occasionally exists between the users of the Day Center and members of the local community.