Program podrške porodica (PPP) od 2018. godine sprovodi se sa porodicama čija su djeca korisnici Dnevnog centra za djecu u riziku. Svrha programa je pomoć djeci koja u riziku da smanje ili eliminišu neprimjeren, (samo)ugrožavajući i rizičan način života, da prevaziđu svoje razvojne probleme i razviju prosocijalno ponašanje i stavove unutar porodičnog okruženja.
Support program for families

Objectives of the program
The specific goals of the program are aimed at preventing and/or reducing the risk of child separation from the family through the improvement of family relations and communication within the family, parenting and problem-solving skills, promotion of prosocial behavior and connecting the family with resources in the local community:
- improvement of parental skills for responsible (positive) parenting
- raising capacity for more effective overcoming of life's problems and dealing with crisis situations
- raising capacity for more effective education and overcoming problems in raising children
- better recognition and satisfaction of the child's needs in accordance with age and developmental stage
- improvement of family relations and family cohesiveness
- enabling the family/parents to build a personal/informal support network
- training the family/parents to make contact with the representatives of the relevant systems
- use of services at the local level
The most common problems of families involved in the project are: quality of interaction between parents and children, unclear communication, recognition and regulation of emotions, understanding of child development, ability to overcome stress. Parents were also given advice on how to exercise their rights in the field of social and child protection, as well as assistance in obtaining personal documents.
Results of the program
As of 2018, the total number of families included in the Family Support Program is 40, i.e. 160 members. Weekly meetings were held with families, and 520 meetings with families were held in the past period.